Here it is if you wanted to have a look.
Charlotte: There was a 16 year old boy cooking in the kitchen.
Mereana: His father then came over and said “you’re such a girl, what will society think of you.”
Mereana: Why wasn’t he allowed to cook?
Charlotte: Because he’s a boy?
Mereana: This boy’s father was showing sexism saying that only girls are supposed to cook.
Charlotte: Clean.
Mereana: And more.
Charlotte: On this live right here right now are going to be talking to you about being rude to the opposite gender.
Charlotte: picture this, you’re sitting on the couch.
Mereana: flicking through the channels.
Charlotte: Then you think, actually I want to watch rugby.
Mereana: So you change to that channel and you have two choices.
Charlotte: To watch the all blacks.
Mereana: Or the black ferns.
Charlotte: What one did you choose?
Mereana: The all blacks, right?
Charlotte:You choose the all blacks over the black ferns when they both play the same sport,
Mereana: Same rule book and they both play for the same country.
Charlotte: The only difference is their gender.
Mereana: Did you know that one of the best rugby players in the world is actually a woman.
Charlotte: Kendra Cocksedge has been awarded many awards, she was awarded the kelvin R tremain memorial player of the year.
Mereana: What we are pretty much trying to say here.
Charlotte: Is that girls should be on the same level as boys for anything
Mereana: And in this case, especially sports.
Charlotte: Sexism in the work environment is also huge.
Mereana: So many people especially women are discriminated against for doing a “man’s job.
Charlotte: A woman can be a construction worker
Mereana: Or a man could be a ballerina.
Charlotte: One of the teachers at our school owns a plumbing company.
Mereana: And when she goes to people's houses they actually ask questions like.
Charlotte: Are you qualified or why are you here.
Mereana: This is sexism because people are that saying that women can’t be a plumber
Charlotte: Or a construction worker or do a “man’s job”
Mereana: But almost any job can be a woman’s or a man’s job.
Charlotte: We interviewed two people from our school.
Mereana: To see what they thought or what they have to say about sexism.
Charlotte: When boys or girls get treated differently because of their gender like how women aren’t getting charged for the construction course at ara.
Mereana: And the other person said:
Charlotte: I think that people should not be getting judged by their gender,
but the content of their character.
Charlotte: Who run the world, girls, is a very famous song by beyonce.
Mereana: But what people don’t know is the meaning behind it.
Charlotte: Which is to remind females about all the power
Mereana: And that we have and that males can not control anybody.
Mereana: another inspiring song that’s against sexism is salute by little mix.
Charlotte: This song is about women being able to fight for themselves.
Mereana: And that they don’t need men. But it’s also about letting everyone know that women are great fighters.
Charlotte: Bringing the idea that we need to stand and unite as women and be who we want to be.
Charlotte: And the last inspiring song we are going to talk about is you don't own me by Lesley Gore.
Mereana: You Don’t Own Me is about telling men that they can’t treat us like an object and put us on display like prized possessions.
Charlotte:It’s about letting men know that women can and will do whatever they want and be whoever they want to be.
I hope you enjoyed today's blog and let me know if you have ever been discriminated. Bye.